The Top 10 Behavioral Health Apps Android

  1. Optimism – Track your mood, behavior, triggers, and coping strategies to find out what works best for you over time and how to remain positive through difficult situations. Try out this emotional well-being app on iOS (version 4.3 or newer) for free.
  2. MindShift – This free mental wellness app is available for both iOS (version 5.0 or newer) and Android. It gives users the opportunity to learn about anxiety, panic and how they can control it. The inspirational quotes may help someone who is trying to think more positively.
  3. SnoreLab –This app keeps a record of snoring, as well as any lapses of breathing, which could even indicate sleep apnea. For an employee who contacts the EAP because of insomnia, this sleep management app can be used during the counseling session. It can be found for iOS (version 6.0 or newer) for $1.99.
    The Top 10 Behavioral Health Apps Android
  4. What’s My M3 – This free mental wellness app (iOS version 7.0 or newer and Android) allows the user to administer a self-test of symptoms of disorders such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and OCD. It is ideal for someone who is reluctant to ask for help, but responds to self-assessments.
  5. Tactical Breather – Relax at a moment’s notice with simple breathing exercises led by a soothing male or female voice. This mental wellness app is available for both iOS (version 4.3 or newer) and Android for free. This app takes the stress out of teaching relaxation because it provides instant access to a variety of exercises.
  6. My Fitness Pal – Track your weight through this easy-to-use and supportive weight management app found on both iOS (version 6.0 or newer) and Android for free. My Fitness Pal helps to motivate an individual who is having difficulty building fitness into their daily routine by suggesting simple, behavioral techniques such as a “squat challenge” or healthy recipe.
  7. Quit Smoking with Andrew Johnson – This mental wellness app, for both iOS (version 7.0 or newer) and Android for $2.99, is for anyone committed to kicking this bad habit to the curb in 2015. For individuals struggling with nicotine addiction, this app augments counseling.
  8. Mind Tools – Build over 100 personal and business skills in your free time through an assortment of topics, including team management and stress management.
  9. Get Some Headspace – This free mental wellness app offers ten sessions of 10-minute meditation that concentrates on breathing and focusing strategies given through calming audios. This app is ideal for a client who doesn’t have the time or money to join a 10-week class, but wants to begin a meditation program.
  10. Recovery Record: Eating Disorder Management – Track and control an eating disorder by logging all of your meals, snacks, thoughts, and feelings throughout the day. As an adjunct to eating disorder treatment, Recovery Record can take the place of journaling and worksheets. Download for either iOS (version 4.3 or newer) or Android for free.